April 21, 2009

Isle of Pens, A Map

This is a project for Computer Art. The assignment is called Artistic Mapping. Hand drawn characters and tons of photoshop. Too much photoshop, I say.


Brine Blank said...

Down with photoshop...long live photoshop!!! It really is a love hate relationship...it can do so much but cause so much disaster at the same time...

steve said...

man, this is wild and so well done Ammon. Love the style and color scheme (and concept behind this as well)! What inspired this one?

Ammon said...

Brian, I know what you mean. I love it for fixing whatever the scanner didn't get quite right and fixing little mistakes in a hurry but not for the whole thing. Cudos to those that do and do it well.

Steve, I really enjoy maps and map related imagery. I wanted to really keep the map in there. Some of my classmates really diverged from that altogether with some very interesting results. I draw and sketch with pens and I thought it might be fun to research a little on them. In the end, as one might imagine, I scrapped 90% of the info and just added a few of the hilights of pen history. I do wish that I had added some more detail: a witty compass rose, lat/long lines, etc.