August 31, 2007

Illustration Friday: "Visitors"

This is not my mother in law. Click the picture for a better view.

August 29, 2007

Happy Birthday LaToya!

I don't know why I try to recreate scenes like this. I am always extra disappointed (as opposed to my usual disappointment). It is supposed to be Nancy Grace of CNN but it pretty much looks like mud.

I don't actually know LaToya. She is a friend of my sister-in-law and at my sister-in-laws birthday party made a request for a birthday card. The second hand info that I was given on LaToya was that she like her GPS and is obsessed with CNN. It is fun to imagine somebody walking around with a GPS and watching CNN on a portable tv and mumbling to herself. I just think that it is funny what first flashes through our minds when we are asked, "What is so and so like?" GPS and CNN. Heheheeee...even funnier when I find out that she was just accepted to Harvard and has already been a school principle. But she like GPS and CNN.

August 28, 2007

On My Table

Not to scale.

Big Hair and Garbage

I got out of bed this morning with this big hair to put the trash on the curb. As I was dragging the trash out there the neighbor boy yells "Hey Ammon, nice hair!" So, I yelled back "Hey Alex, nice face!"

Just kidding.


I am working on coloring.

August 26, 2007

Back From The Beach V

Back From The Beach IV

Always carry a sock gun for those that cannot stop talking.

Back From The Beach III

Back From The Beach II

Back From The Beach I

From the Church Sketchbook

This morning Pastor David Ashcraft finished up LCBC's series called "Messy in the Middle."

Horrible lettering, I know.

First Encounters of the Hole Kind

This is a card for the principal of Washington Christian Academy who recently backed into a hole.

Happy Anniversary Denny and Rita!

35 years!

August 17, 2007

Happy Anniversary Ty and Christen!

These are their children.

Skeeter Buster Douglas

My new nephew that I finally got to see a couple of weekends ago. My sister and her husband refuse to come to Pennsylvania and visit so I had to see him in NY. You can see photos of the little guy here.

August 14, 2007

Portrait Party

The super talented Jeannette and I participated in a portrait exchange. I am new to this but the way that it works is two people trade photos (or meet) and illustrate each other. I had a lot of fun doing this. You can see many exchanges at the Portrait Party blog hosted by Mr. Rama Hughes.

If anybody out there is interested, I would enjoy doing some more of these.

August 13, 2007

Happy Birthday John!

After a few too many jokes about eating at Hooters to celebrate John's birthday, he will get this card.

Here Fishy, Fishy!

These were for a brochure to be given at a conference in Hawaii.

August 12, 2007

Willow Creek Leadership Summit

I was able to attend the Willow Creek Association Leadership Summit during this last week. It was a good three days of excellent speakers that spoke on leadership within churches and the workplace. I am sorry for the long, colorless set of drawings.

From the Church Sketchbook

Pastor Mike Albon used the story of Joseph to teach about forgiveness this morning at LCBC.

August 11, 2007

Happy Birthday Denise!

This seemingly strange illustration is the moment that best defines the epitome of Denise's singing career.

August 09, 2007

Illustration Friday: "Missing"

Brian Blankenship is missing. You can look for him here.
I know this is a hideous illustration. That is what I get for waiting until I can hardly keep awake. The dirt cheap watercolor paper that I drew this thing on was a bad idea considering it is about 3 inches tall.