May 31, 2007

Illustration Friday: "Cars"

Big Frank's Used Cars. Some of the corniest commercials around seem to have loud used car salesmen.

May 24, 2007

Happy Birthday Steve!

The 24 year old mutant ninja turtle.

Illustration Friday: "Signs"

I really dislike this type of sign. I cannot stand going into a store or restaurant that has two doors but only one that is unlocked. Just unlock both of them.

May 21, 2007

From the Church Sketchbook

This is Gary Haugen, founder of the International Justice Mission. He spoke this last weekend at LCBC about the IJM. It sounds like an awesome organization that is actually doing something and not just having meetings about why and what troubles the world. He is also a great speaker.

May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!

This is for Steph's mother (she has three children).

May 12, 2007

Illustration Friday: "Citrus"

"Knock, Knock!"
"Who's there?"
"Orange who?"
"Orange you glad to see me?"

May 06, 2007

LCBC Guitarman

This is a new guitar player and Lancaster County Bible Church. At least, this is the first time that I can recall seeing him.
ps-I did color this after I got home from church. I am not quite bold enough to whip out a box of watercolors during the service.

Illustration Friday "Neighbor"

This is one of my neighbors. He won't ever wave back.

I have just switched my college major to Studio Art from engineering. I will start drawing classes this summer and if you have a favorite drawing book (how-to or inspirational) please feel free to leave it with any comments.

Another Guitarist

This guy played guitar during last Thursday at chapel.

May 03, 2007

Editorial of the Week

The student paper at Messiah College, The Swinging Bridge, comes out every couple of weeks and I submit editorial cartoons for it. Fellow cartoonist, Micah Young, submits his comic strip called Pea Soup. His work can be seen here.

Ink Wash and No Line Work

This is really a first for me. I always rely on line work to develop shapes and depth.

May 01, 2007

Happy Retirement Mr. Fox!

Mr. Fox taught classes at a prison-just to make it clear that he didn't actually escape from one.